Questions or curiosity about the world of cooling or our service department?
Here you will find all the answers you are looking for: how to contact us in case of need and a small encyclopedia with the main information on the world of geothermal, ventilation and heat pumps, to help you choose the perfect solution for you and the environment.

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For assistance with your heat pump, contact our After-Sales Service at +39 049 9588511 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., operating Monday through Friday, email support@eneren.it, or fill out the contact form on the Support page


Smart Grid is an advanced system in which electrical distribution grids are interconnected with each other and able to intelligently and optimally manage energy distribution in order to avoid load losses and inefficiencies. A Smart Grid heat pump is able to recognize when the photovoltaic system is producing more electricity than it needs and is activated to redistribute it in the form of thermal or cooling energy, through the air conditioning system. In this way, the air conditioning system will run more during the daytime hours when the level of energy produced by the photovoltaic panels is higher, improving environmental comfort at no extra cost.


Routine maintenance always includes checking safety organs, refrigerant working pressures, cleaning hydraulic elements such as filters or defangers and checking installed mechanical and electrical organs. Simple but effective maintenance that requires the intervention of qualified technical personnel.
Routine maintenance can be annual or semi-annual depending on the manufacturer’s instructions in the operation and maintenance manual.


The choice of refrigerant depends on the needs to be met. For this reason, numerous solutions are available on the market that enable units to work at the highest level of efficiency depending on climatic conditions.
It is important to note that refrigerants also differ from each other in terms of environmental and human safety. This is why Eneren has chosen to use two solutions in the residential sector: the slightly flammable R454B (A2L), but with Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 466, among the lowest in its category, more than R32; or the non-flammable and therefore safer R410A, but with high GWP, suitable for applications where flammable refrigerants cannot be installed.


In residential settings, the water temperature can reach 65°C, while in commercial and industrial settings it can reach up to 120°C. Depending on the needs and source temperature, different types of compressors and chillers are used in order to achieve the desired water temperature.


The dehumidifier can be controlled by the hygrostat, which is the humidity sensor, or by the thermoregulation system of the radiant system, which automatically manages the buildings indoor temperature and humidity.


By choosing heat pumps designed for humid climates therefore with large exchange surfaces, not forgetting that its regulation is also important. If a heat pump is used at full power for a short time over the course of a day it will undergo more defrosting. If the same inverter machine is used for much longer times continuously and therefore at lower power output, the exchange surfaces will be oversized and therefore less prone to frost creation.


Each Eneren device has a display that alerts you to any anomalies or maintenance needs. With the Enerweb system, you can also monitor and program your plant remotely from any web device, such as a smartphone, tablet or PC.


As the word implies, the purpose of the dehumidifier is to remove humidity from the air when it exceeds predetermined values. The dehumidifier draws in outside air by means of a fan and passes it through a refrigeration circuit containing a specific refrigerant fluid; this passage condenses the humidity, meaning it evaporates excess water from the air. The humidity-free air is then returned to its initial temperature or, in some models, cooled or heated.


To maximize the efficiency of the heat pump, it is recommended to avoid the unit doing many on/off cycles. For this reason, it is preferable to choose the inverter solution, appropriately sized according to the power of the building.
Another expedient is to regulate temperatures, using a temperature control system that optimizes timing and operating temperatures so that they are as low as possible for both air conditioning and domestic hot water production.



The sizing of a geothermal field is a very important phase of the project, during which specialized technicians, with the help of specific tools and calculation software, analyze the terrain and perform tests to calculate the correct size that the geoexchange field should have, in relation to the building’s needs.


Less is more. A multifunctional or multipurpose heat pump is the ideal choice for meeting all heating, cooling, and domestic hot water needs. One efficient and effective system and one maintenance.


The Coefficient of Performance (COP) is the index that measures the level of efficiency of a heat pump. It is measured by calculating the ratio between the thermal energy produced by a heat pump to heat the room and the electrical energy consumed; the higher the result, the more efficient the machine.
For example, a COP of 5 means that to produce 5 kWh of thermal energy, the heat pump will consume 1 kWh of electrical energy. An average electric water heater has a COP of 1.


A multifunction heat pump is a unit that can handle both air conditioning and domestic hot water production. These machines are suitable for both residential and industrial uses.


A multipurpose heat pump is a unit that can handle both air conditioning and domestic hot water production, the latter in total heat recovery. It is therefore possible to produce chilled and hot water simultaneously in total recovery mode. These machines are suitable for both residential and industrial uses.



The Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) is, along with COP, another important index for measuring the efficiency of a heat pump. It is obtained by calculating the ratio of cooling energy produced by a heat pump to electrical energy consumed. The higher the result, the energy-efficient the machine is.



It is a system that sanitizes the air treated by the CMV through a patented system that eliminates mold, bacteria, viruses and odors. It is absolutely compatible with the presence of humans, in fact it benefits humans themselves.


Controlled mechanical ventilation (CMV) is a system for renewing and filtering air inside domestic or public environments of any kind. Its component units draw in air from inside rooms, recover its heat and expel it to the outside; at the same time, they introduce into the environment clean, oxygen-rich air taken from the outside, warmed by the heat extracted during intake and properly filtered.


The Ground or Thermal Response Test is a specific procedure used, during the design phase, to define the proper sizing of the geoexchange field. Through this test, the thermal capacity of the ground is measured and it is understood what its energy performance is.


A geothermal system is a system that uses energy from the subsurface or groundwater to heat, cool and produce domestic hot water. It consists of a heat pump and geothermal probes, into which flows a heat transfer fluid with the task, in the cold months, of collecting heat from the earth and bringing it to the heat pump for heating; in the warm months, of releasing the heat collected by the heat pump into the ground. A geothermal system is among the most efficient and effective air conditioning systems because the ground and aquifers, being deep in the earth, are never affected by temperature fluctuations.



No, it is simple to install a controlled mechanical ventilation (CMV) system in a building under construction. There are, in fact, numerous solutions to choose from, which include compartments for housing the machine in the ceiling, wall, or outside. In addition, you can decide to house the piping in a suspended ceiling, against a wall, or under the floor.


It depends on the type of compressors and the refrigerant gas used. There are heat pumps sized for mild climates and others to work down to -25°C.



Yes, in order to work at its best and ensure the best performance in all weather conditions, a chilled water circuit is built into the dehumidifiers, which works by pre-cooling the air to bring it to the desired temperature more quickly, with less expenditure of electricity.


Absolutely. In any climate zone, modern radiant cooling systems fully meet the needs of buildings.



The choice depends on comfort requirements, which vary depending on the room to be cooled. For the same room, an air-conditioning system takes much less time to cool and you may decide to use it intermittently, but on the other hand, it spreads cool air less evenly. Radiant cooling, does not require external units and is therefore invisible and unobtrusive; it provides temperature homogeneity and significant cost savings because less energy is required to cool a floor, wall, or ceiling than an entire room.


A geothermal probe system works with a closed circuit, in which a heat transfer fluid flows. It can be installed in all geographical areas, even in those subject to landscape constraints, after obtaining specific authorization. It is preferable to install it to serve medium-small plants, in which the best performance/price ratio is obtained. A groundwater system, on the other hand, works with an open circuit, using groundwater present in the subsurface instead of the heat transfer fluid. This is a very efficient system for large plants, but it is good to know that it requires more complicated and lengthy permitting processes.
Both are environmentally sustainable solutions because they use clean, renewable energy while reducing the level of pollution.


The choice depends on the space and spending budget available. The vertical probe system requires less space and allows for more stable temperatures, due to the large depths reached by the probes; on the other hand, it is more expensive. A horizontal system, on the other hand, is cheaper, but requires large areas and is less efficient because the probes, placed close to the surface, are affected by fluctuations in seasonal temperatures.


The choice depends on the air conditioning needs and the environment to be cooled. In the residential area, where different heat loads are required, an inverter solution is recommended, which can modulate the heat load according to daily and seasonal needs. In commercial and industrial settings, on the contrary, an on/off solution is preferable, which is ideal for environments that require constant temperature maintenance.


If you get an alarm signal on your heat pump, take note of the code and description, and contact us through the form on the Support page, you will find a reliable and competent service at your disposal.


Yes. To complete a radiant system, it is necessary to provide an air dehumidification system, which, by regulating the humidity, prevents the possible formation of surface condensation and related inconveniences.



Decentralized controlled mechanical ventilation (CMV) entails installing a unit in each room that is to be treated; it requires no construction work, but, on the other hand, each machine is visible inside the room, is autonomous from the others, and requires its own maintenance for filter cleaning. Centralized VMC involves a single machine that, connected to a piping system, manages the flow of air in all rooms, optimizing its distribution and heat recovery. It is much more efficient than decentralized, but requires construction work to insert the connecting pipes inside the walls; this solution is often chosen during major renovations or the construction of new buildings.


Installing a Controlled Mechanical Ventilation (CMV) system means ensuring a high level of environmental comfort, combined with energy savings. In fact, controlled mechanical ventilation constantly renews the air 24 hours a day, recovers heat from it and reuses it for heating. In our systems you have, in addition, the possibility of integrating the exclusive Jonix module that, thanks to cold plasma technology, purifies the air of bad odors, germs and bacteria, to have the serenity of a truly healthy environment.


Because the sustainability of our planet starts with every single daily choice we make.


Because the geothermal system is the most effective, efficient and durable air conditioning solution there is. Completely sustainable, it is free of acoustic and aesthetic impact; requires little maintenance; and helps increase property value by raising the building’s energy class.


Because it encompasses the best technical and aesthetic requirements.
Efficiency: a geothermal heat pump system is the most efficient in the area of comfort because it guarantees a constant performance output.
Aesthetics and acoustics: there are no units outside the building to benefit aesthetics and acoustic comfort.
Reliability: the geothermal heat pump is the most reliable and durable in its class because it is subjected to less stress; in fact, it does not require reversals for defrost cycles and is not exposed to the elements.


The best choice is the geothermal system because the ground, the source used for air conditioning, has a temperature that is kept constant and uniform throughout the year. For this reason, the heat pump, connected to the system, is subjected to less effort and consumes less electricity than an air system, which needs, on the other hand, more energy to achieve the same result.


Yes, you can connect the heat pump to the radiators, the important thing is to choose the right unit that can produce water at high temperatures.


Absolutely. There are supervision and remote control systems from our own production or from third parties. These are also applicable to our systems.


To maintain the efficiency of our products over time, we recommend annual maintenance, performed by a trained technician with the appropriate skills to check the good condition of refrigeration, plumbing and electrical devices.


Absolutely. Heat pumps are heat generators governed by current regulations; they must, therefore, have a plant booklet (the “identification document” of every thermal system, as defined by the Ministerial Decree of February 10, 2014) and undergo periodic maintenance, some models depending on the environmental impact resulting from the type and content of refrigerant in them.


In Italy, all Eneren products are covered by a 24-month warranty.


Our service centers are located throughout Italy, ready to help you and solve your problem. Find the one nearest you on the service page


Unfortunately, there is no single answer; in fact, convenience depends on many variables. Efficiency and climate zone of the building, temperatures of the air conditioning system (radiant, fancoil, radiators, etc.) by how it is regulated, and whether it is coupled with a photovoltaic system. In general, however, it can be estimated that for an energy class A building, in a climate zone and with a radiant system, savings with an air-water heat pump can be as much as 50 percent compared to a fossil fuel system. If geothermal, the savings can be an additional 50 percent over an air-water heat pump system. Even if coupled with a photovoltaic system with smart grid self-consumption logic, complete energy self-sufficiency can be achieved.


When a radiant-type cooling system is planned


Typically, vertical geothermal probes are driven into the ground at a depth ranging from 80 to 120m. In cases where little space is available, in order to obtain a larger exchange surface area, boreholes up to 150m and beyond are drilled.


Compared with heat pump systems, a geothermal system saves up to 50 percent in electricity per year. Thus, on average, the investment for its installation pays for itself in 7 years.


No, a properly sized CMV system does not emit any noise.


No, properly installed, the dehumidifier is a very quiet machine, equal to the normal refrigerator.


To get an idea of the space needed for a geothermal system, you should consider that each probe requires about 50sqm of surface area and that there should be a space of about 7sqm between each one. Eneren technicians are available to perform a proper geothermal field assessment and answer all your questions.



Yes, there are several models of dehumidifiers on the market that combine classic functions with room heating and cooling.


No, the two systems do not have to coexist. In the presence of a photovoltaic system, the electricity needed to run the heat pump comes from its panels, reducing the power draw from the public grid and thus reducing costs. In the absence of a photovoltaic system, the heat pump operates equally, but drawing electricity from the public grid.


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